

湖人大会2024, 庆祝漫画素养,将于周五举行, 九月二十七日至星期日, 9月29日, 2024. 这个免费的漫画大会将有:

•漫画画廊和Zine Alley

Check in to this site for parking, programming 和 additional updated information!




汉娜Batsel is a book artist, writer, 和 illustrator based in Chicago, IL. She received a degrees in Printmaking 和 Book Arts from the University of Georgia 和 from Columbia College Chicago. Her h和made artist book work can be found in library 和 museum collections around the country, 还有她的大众市场图画书, A是另一只兔子,在卖书的地方都能找到. She lives with her friends 和 partner in a spooky old house filled with books, 动物标本制作, 还有数以百计的室内植物.


基因哈 |

基因哈 艺术家在吗? 神奇女侠历史:亚马逊人 with writer Kelly Sue DeConnick 和 fellow artists Phil Jimenez 和 Nicola Scott. 他在艾伦·摩尔的作品上获得了五次艾斯纳奖 前10名 各类直流 & 漫威超级英雄漫画. 吉恩既写作又画画  来自Oni出版社, 梅·福特尔的故事, a girl who follows her long missing sister Abbie to a world of mad science 和 mystery. 吉恩和他可爱的妻子丽莎住在芝加哥郊外.


乔治·普拉特 |

乔治·普拉特 是一位获奖的画家、作家和摄影师吗. 他曾因其漫画小说获得艾斯纳奖, 一枚Spectrum金质奖章, 和 Best Feature Documentary at the New York International Independent Film Festival for the documentary film "地狱见,盲童."

除了他的画廊作品, he is currently working on the International Black Light Project on the genocide in West Africa, 他的布鲁斯小说, 地狱见,盲童, 小尼莫:再做一个梦 蝗虫月亮出版社,还有 在无梦死者之上 选自第一册第二册. He teaches full-time at the Ringling College of Art 和 Design, 夏天在堪萨斯城的插画学院学习, MO.


有特邀嘉宾| 斯坦沃尔什

作为一名画家、铅笔画家、墨水画家和调色师, 布莱恩Stelfreeze 几乎为美国所有的主要机构工作过.S. comic book publisher, 和 was one of the original members of Atlanta's famous Gaijin Studios. 澄清一下,布莱恩从未为中情局工作过. While Stelfreeze has been known throughout his career primarily as a cover artist, painting more than 50 consecutive cover illustrations for DC Comics’ Batman: Shadow of the Bat, 他还创作了大量的连续作品, including his Eisner Award-Nominated run as the artist (both interior 和 cover art) on the 2016 revival of Marvel's Black Panther with writer Ta-Nehisi Coates. 布莱恩 will not answer any questions about the Orion Incident during this event.

斯坦沃尔什 是Gaijin Studios的所有者/运营经理吗. 沃尔什的作品是水彩画的混合物, ink washes 和 acrylic practices 和 currently focuses on wildlife illustration 和 art.


安慰 & 亚当 |

康弗和亚当 are an award-nominated comic creating duo who's acclaimed series, 的暗金物品 和 黑暗中的彩虹, 把它们放在地图上. 他们写作并配图 自我出版漫画的完整指南 (兰登书屋) 小游戏 (与艺术家Corinne Roberts合作). 康弗和亚当目前正在与K学院合作, 密歇根州立大学, 和 The Local Scientist Initiative to help create science awareness in local communities. 他们为《博天堂官方》RPG做过工作, 和 are writing for another core book for an as yet unannounced major RPG. 最重要的是, 他们在做故事板, 与西密歇根民主党合作, 并为主要配音演员尤里·洛温塔尔创作艺术, 塔拉普拉特, 和托德·哈伯科恩.


克里斯托弗•穆勒 |

克里斯托弗•穆勒 参与过《博天堂官方》的制作, Lucifer 和 Wonder Woman for DC comics as well as many cards for Magic the Gathering. 莫勒的标志性作品是 铁的帝国 science-fiction universe, comprising painted graphic novels 和 a role-playing game. He creates boardgames including the just released Burning Banners.


约翰·范弗利特 |

约翰·范·弗利特 has worked on Batman for DC comics, Typhoid Mary for Marvel 和 《博天堂官方网页》 Topps漫画. 他的客户还包括图书出版商, 电子游戏制造商, film studios 和 toy companies with traditional painting 和 3D models.



瑟瑞娜Guerra is a comic book artist from IL who has worked on stories such as the Harvey Award winning series 老鼠圣殿骑士 来自Image Comics,以及EGL奖提名系列 解决方案小组 吉姆·麦克莱恩. She has created 和 self-published an educational coloring book about Goddesses from around the world, 智慧,野性,神圣. Serena is now working on writing 和 illustrating her first creator-owned Solarpunk series 这需要一个世界!


迈克•肯尼迪 |
Sponsored by the Office of Undergraduate Research 和 Scholarship

迈克•肯尼迪 是磁性出版社的出版商和设计总监, an independent graphic novel 和 games company which has earned 31 Eisner Nominations 和 1 Award since its launch in 2014. 磁力前情, 他花了20年写漫画(《博天堂官方》), Aeon Flux)和制作电子游戏(EA), 纳, 动视暴雪). His inherent interest in interactive narrative has led Magnetic Press into tabletop gaming, 最近的《博天堂官方网页》RPG就是一个突出的例子.


豹头王汤普森 |

豹头王汤普森 是插画家、漫画家和设计师吗. 她是联合协调员 插图 at 大峡谷州立大学. 她的学术重点是插画中的历史女性. She works primarily with sequential narrative, decorative 和 dimensional illustration. Her client list includes DC Comics, Upper Deck, Image Comics, Boom!/Archaia Comics, 和 a range of advertising 和 publication design 和 illustration. 她是漫画小说《博天堂官方》的共同创作者.


艾米·雅各布斯 |

艾米·雅各布斯 是一名英语教授 大峡谷州立大学她在那里教授体裁课程. 她从来没有遇到过她不喜欢的漫画书或恐怖作品. Her research interests are how these genre works present lessons on morality 和 humanity, 她在各种动漫展上展示了这些想法, 包括圣地亚哥动漫展. 


玛丽RUGE |

玛丽Ruge 联络图书管理员在吗 大峡谷州立大学. Mary has worked in libraries for over a decade, both public 和 academic. She has spent a large portion of her career talking about comics at different conferences about the benefits of comics, 和 was awarded a grant from the ALA 和 the National Endowment for the Humanities to start a zine collection. 玛丽对漫画的独特结构最感兴趣, 以及如何将它们应用于其他学科.


2024年湖人大会, we will have over 50 tables in throughout the Main Atrium at the Idema Pew Library for GVSU 学生s, 校友和其他人出售和分享他们的艺术, 故事和好奇心! 



湖人大会2024 will be exhibiting comics stories created by GVSU 学生s, 在整个图书馆中展示. 传统的漫画, 杂志(打印和显示), 和数字, web 和 multimedia comics (displayed on monitors) will collected for your viewing.



湖人大会2024 will be displaying 和 selling zines created by GVSU 学生s in a Zine section of the Artists Market.


If you are interested in participating in either creative event, please contact 豹头王汤普森 ((电子邮件保护))查阅更多资料.



GVSU是一个只有许可证的校园. 访客可向大学图书馆职员索取, 泊车服务处, 或者利用付费停车的地点. 

** Active Students, Faculty, 和 Staff are not eligible for visitor permits. 请浏览 学生教员/员工 有关更多信息的许可页面.** 

GVSU停车规则适用.  请参阅 博天堂官方停车 有关访客要求的详情.

  • Guests 和 visitors may utilize the pay-to-park areas marked in green on the 校园地图. 在付费停车场停车时,我们强烈建议使用 ParkMobile.
  • 如果你想要一个 免费许可证, visit the Service Desk on the first floor of the Mary Idema Pew Library to get a parking permit from Library staff when you arrive on campus.
    A parking permit is required for 湖人的反对 Weekend (from 09/27/2024 - 09/29/2024.)参观证在地段内有效 H3, Lot H4 只有. The permit must be printed 和 displayed on the dashboard of each vehicle. It must be placed on the lower left corner (driver's side) of the dash.
  • Or please stop into Parking Services in the Service Building off of Service Drive with a valid photo ID 和 license plate number to obtain a visitor permit.
  • (ADA) parking is available in the Kirkhof Center (KC) Parking Lot.

更多的寻路信息可以在 校园地图.
