Mission and Values


Through collaboration, consultation, and leadership with students, faculty, staff, administrators, and community partners, GVSU的包容与公平学部致力于培养一个让学习者在追求中获得能力的社区, professions, and purpose, while advancing GVSU’s framework for equity, diversity, and inclusion. 该部门支持可持续和战略性的机构努力,以吸引所有社会成员, 同时也有意倡导和提升历史上代表性不足的社区. By promoting social justice and equitable practices across campus, 该部门的工作加强了GVSU对优秀教学的承诺, active scholarship, and public service, thereby enriching society and promoting positive change.

杰西·伯纳尔(Jesse Bernal)在“黑人的命也是命”(Black Lives Matter)抗议活动中举起团结的拳头.

在GVSU的包容和公平的分工股份在准备他们所面临的未来和他们塑造的社区具有全球意识的公民的大学愿景. As a transformative force, 该部门在推进GVSU成为全国公平模式的目标方面处于领先地位, inclusion, and social justice. Through pioneering, innovative, and dynamic leadership, 该部门孜孜不倦地创造一种归属感的文化,并营造一个社区所有成员都能茁壮成长的环境. 通过在我们所有的学术和专业课程中集中公平和包容, 我们为学生的终身学习和成长做好准备,并为一个更加公正和公平的社会做出贡献.


The Framework for Inclusion and Equity at GVSU 表达了大学对多样性、公平和包容的理解. 它为我们推进多元化的承诺奠定了下一阶段的基础, inclusion, equity, and social justice. 博天堂官方相信公平和包容会让我们社区的每个成员变得更好,这是湖人队的基础.

Larbi Al Moutaa, Student Senate VP of Diversity Affairs; Jessica Jennrich, Director of the Center for Women and Gender Equity; Jakia Marie, Assistant Professor of Integrative and African American Studies

社会公正和交叉框架指导战略 efforts of the division.  This framework acknowledges systems of 压迫和边缘化以及权力和特权的各个方面 寻求教育和授权所有社区成员的工作 toward equity.  This framework also acknowledges the university’s 将系统性和制度化的挑战置于公平和 包容,却肯定了我们为之奋斗的承诺和责任 transformation. The division is guided by this framework to seek a 更深入地了解复杂的交叉社会身份 highlights the centrality of understanding the full dimensions of 身份以及它们如何动态地相互作用.  As such, our work and education is grounded in teaching about and 解决相互依赖的压迫和边缘化系统.

The division’s value for equity supports the university’s “institutional commitment to acting with integrity, communicating openly and honestly, operating transparently and accepting responsibility for our words and actions” (University Compliance Office) and commitment to identify and eliminate barriers to recruitment and retention of diverse students, faculty, and staff.  该部门力求树立高标准的职业道德和 consistency in principles, expectations, and actions.  The division 支持大学顺应广泛和不断变化 applicable federal and state laws and regulations regarding nondiscrimination and affirmative action as well as university policy.  The division also ensures GVSU’s commitment to equal opportunity for all persons and works to eliminate and prevent discrimination on the basis of age, ancestry, citizenship, color, 家庭或婚姻状况,种族,宗教,性别,性取向, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information (包括家族病史),身高,国籍,政治 隶属关系,怀孕,身体或精神残疾,参与 在军中服役,退伍军人身份,或在博天堂官方中, 在教育、运动、社会、文化或其他方面的机会和待遇 other university programs and activities and employment. Equitable 实践和政策的设计是为了适应不同的 学习和工作的背景,特别是在历史的背景下 factors of disadvantage and marginalization. While taking seriously 大学的法律义务,我们也明白,如果我们看 在这种方法中,我们永远不会实现仅仅是一个合规问题 our greater goals within our community.  By creating a community that 促进多样性,而不是要求它,我们希望创造一个地方 where obligations are met organically rather than through federal mandate.  As such, the division accepts a beyond-compliance model that 承认遵守是公平和包容的最低标准 并努力在这些领域树立卓越和倡导的新标准.

该部门进一步推动了大学对学生成功的承诺 by supporting diverse and underrepresented student engagement and 发展,以及招聘,发展和保留 反思,以学生为中心的教职员工准备 meet the needs of our diverse students.  It shapes educational practice and policies that encourage high levels of learning and 边缘化和弱势学生的个人发展, student persistence, and student satisfaction.  The division partners 与教职员工和社区一起教育所有学生 权力和特权,并协同工作,使学生从 多元化的社区,让学生参与批判性的对话和 programming related to campus climate and social justice.

理解公平和包容必须贯穿整个社会 大学为实行制度变革,分工完成 它的使命是在大学内部建立伙伴关系 and across our external communities.  As such, effective equity and 包容策略只有通过支持的努力才能产生 shared understanding and shared accountability.  In these efforts, the 部门优先与学术和行政合作 units across campus, and furthers the university’s commitment to shared governance through ongoing education, engagement, and consultation with students, faculty, staff, and administrators. 有效、真实和真诚的合作是部门内部的典范.

GVSU在促进公平和包容方面的成功部分归功于 西密歇根州多元化的长期冠军 communities.  GVSU strives to be as much a part of the community as it hopes the community is a part of it.  It’s with this deep 理解的分工是致力于创造互惠 and mutually beneficial external partnerships particularly with historically underserved communities.

该部门致力于推进大学的评估文化 和数据驱动的决策,并致力于实施和 创新基于证据的实践,支持可测量的 结果推动机构的行动和进一步的大学 strategic planning priorities.  Diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice are not just rhetoric within the division, nor at GVSU.  Enacting equity requires a continual process of learning, 分解数据,并质疑有关相关性和 effectiveness.  We are committed to measuring and demonstrating 通过评估、报告和维护制度变革 a high level of transparency and accountability.

Page last modified September 17, 2023