
Grand Valley is committed to promoting violence prevention on campus to ensure a safe, supportive environment where students can thrive academically and socially without fear of harm or intimidation. 探索下面的资源以了解更多信息


Violence prevention education comes in many forms and can cover an array of different topics. We focus on issues of gender-based violence and use an anti-oppression lens to explore the different ways we can collectively work together to form a compassionate community. Our programming aims to create spaces that are affirming and supportive for victim/survivors and advocates for healing, 恢复实践, 和经济增长.

要求定制车间, fill out a form below explaining what you want out of your workshop and a 健康促进 staff member will arrange a meeting to discuss your programming needs.



换手镯:见面 & 与健康促进专员打招呼

2024年10月7日上午10:00 - 12:00 PM

Join the 健康和幸福中心's new 健康促进s Specialist in making purple bracelets to show solidarity with victims and survivors of domestic violence. 

烛光守夜INT 100批准


十月是家庭暴力宣传月. Honor victims and support survivors by joining fellow Lakers at the Blue Bridge in downtown Grand Rapids. 学生,教师和工作人员被邀请...


2024年10月9日上午11:00 - 1:00 PM

Join the Equality for All Student Organization in writing letters of support and encouragement for survivors of domestic violence, 献上同情的话语, 强度, 和团结...


2024年10月29日下午4点 - 6:00 PM

与艺术治疗合作, Red Jean Redemption offers a way to put to rest the pain and isolation that survivors of domestic abuse experience. 幸存者将他们的故事刻在一对上...



根据 loveisrespect.org, relationships fall on a spectrum from healthy to abusive with 介于两者之间是不健康的.


  • 沟通中断 
  • 不尊重
  • 不诚实
  • 为控制而斗争 
  • 不平等

取 一个小测验 要想知道你们的关系会落在哪个位置, or 学习 更多博天堂官方网页每个类别的特征

Setting and respecting boundaries is essential to any relationship, 浪漫的还是友好的. 为了建立和维持健康的关系, understand your own needs, then communicate and negotiate realistic 对朋友和伴侣的期望.

  • 情感的界限 -情感交流 needs and expectations, respecting each other's privacy and personal emotions
  • 物理边界 -设定和尊重 expectations for personal touch and physical space (consent, level 对公开示爱感到舒适
  • 数字边界 -讨论舒适程度 sharing relationship information online, access to passwords, image 还有视频分享和位置分享
  • 个人时间/空间 -制定时间 self-care and personal hobbies, communicating and respecting needs 独处时间和个人安排

注意: 不同的边界看起来不同 individuals based on their comfort levels and lived experiences. 你的 你的伴侣应该尊重界限. 

同意 is an ongoing mutual agreement between partners about what they want to experience, ensuring that all parties involved understand 尊重彼此的界限. 它建立了相互尊重和 prevents coercion or harm, creating a foundation for healthy and 在所有类型的关系中相互尊重.

还记得 薯条 确保同意符合以下要求 日常生活标准:

  • F自愿给予——同意必须是自愿给予的, 没有压力、操纵或胁迫的.
  • Reversible -任何人都可以改变他们的想法 withdraw consent at any time, regardless of prior agreements.
  • I知情的-同意只有在各方都同意的情况下才有效 have the full information about what they are agreeing to, including 潜在风险或细节.
  • E热情的-同意应该反映兴奋或 真诚的意愿,而不是义务或勉强.
  • Sspecific—特定的同意 activity, and agreeing to one thing doesn’t imply consent for 其他东西.

什么 同意看起来像和不像

While conflict is normal in all relationships, your arguments shouldn't turn into personal attacks or efforts to lower the other's 自尊. 冲突 在不健康的关系中 会让你感到恐惧吗 报复或身体伤害.

取 the following steps to resolve conflict in a healthy way: 

  • 建立边界 -确保双方都是 受到尊重
  • 找到真正的问题 -争论经常发生在 一方的需求没有得到满足
  • 求同存异 -专注于最重要的事情
  • 尽可能妥协 -允许双方都是 对结果满意
  • 考虑你伴侣的观点 博天堂官方网页这个问题


Sexual and relational violence encompasses a range of abusive behaviors that involve the use of power, 控制, 或恐吓伤害或剥削个人的亲密关系, 浪漫的, 或者性背景.

动力和控制轮,由 家庭暴力干预计划, details the tactics abusive partners use to establish dominance in abusive relationships. 参观 全国家庭暴力热线 了解更多.


The Power and Control Wheel detailing the tactics abusers use to establish dominance


Unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that is based on sex, sexual 性取向、性别认同和/或怀孕. 这种行为经常 exploits power imbalances between individuals and can create a 敌对的、恐吓的或攻击性的环境.

Any non-consensual sexual act, including unwanted touching, forced sexual intercourse, incest, or statutory rape (sex with a minor, 16 年龄或更小). 它通常包括暴力、威胁或操纵. 

A pattern of abusive behavior in an intimate or family relationship where one person exerts 控制 over another through physical, 情感上、心理上、性上或经济上的虐待. 它可以包括 threats or violence by a current or former spouse, partner, co-parent, 或者和死者一起住过的人.

Physical violence or threat of violence committed by a current or 以前的恋人或亲密伴侣. 它可以采取物理形式, emotional, psychological, or sexual abuse and may also involve 控制或操纵行为. 约会暴力通常包括 patterns of jealousy, threats, or isolation and can happen in both 青少年和成人的关系.

A pattern of unwanted repeated attention and harassment that causes an individual to fear for their safety and suffer substantial 情绪困扰. 跟踪行为可能包括跟踪某人, sending unwanted messages, showing up uninvited, or using digital 指跟踪或监视一个人的活动. 虽然并非总是如此 sexual in nature, stalking often has a sexual or 浪漫的 motive and 会升级为身体暴力或性暴力吗. 


Bystander intervention empowers individuals to safely intervene and prevent harmful situations, playing a critical role in reducing violence and fostering a safer, 更多支持性社区.


  • 直接 - Step in and address the situation directly by speaking up or intervening to stop harmful behavior.
  • 分散 -制造干扰来打断这种情况, allowing the potential victim to move away or diffusing the tension without confrontation. 
  • 委托 -寻求他人的帮助, 比如朋友, 权威人士, 或者校园工作人员, to intervene in a situation if it feels unsafe to act alone.
  • 延迟 -如果无法立即干预, check in with the victim afterward to offer support and help them access resources.

我们的受害者辩护律师可以提供保密信息, nonjudgemental support to victims/survivors of gender-based violence.
