Climbing Center Private Events


你是否想为你的学术课程提供课外体验, a team building opportunity for your athletes, or a fun community building event for your living center, we are happy to help! 我们了解大多数参与者在您的小组定期会议时间之外的可用性有限,我们将尽我们所能来适应您的小组. However, 攀爬中心只会在没有公开攀爬或之前安排的项目/活动时接受预约. 

New Payment Structure for On-Campus Groups!

As in the past, on-campus groups pay a per Climbing Center staff, per hour fee. 为了让更多的团体可以参加私人活动,第一名工作人员是免费的! This option can work for groups of all sizes. For small groups (<10), one staff may be all that is needed for adequate climb-time. For larger groups, we encourage sending a number of participants to our open hours, before the group event, (免费)30-45分钟的打结和操作绳索培训(被称为“保护课”). 这使得最少的人员集中于团队监督/安全,而参与者在促进攀登体验方面发挥更大的作用. 这个机会将任何活动变成一个伟大的自然团队建设,意味着你的私人活动可以免费! Email Joe Bitely at [email protected] to discuss training recommendations and getting a cost quoted for your event.

On-campus groups are groups formally affiliated with GVSU. Examples include: academic classes, registered student organizations, housing & residence life, departments, athletic teams, etc. Generally, groups paying with an on-campus account/ university funds. 与GVSU有关联的人组织的团体活动不符合校内团体的资格,团体活动将按一般公众价格收费.  e.g. 一位教员想带他们的青年团或童子军来攀岩中心. 

Group Options


Just Climb
The "Just Climb" events are exactly what they sound like. Private climb-time for your group at the Climbing Center. 这个选择非常适合那些想要着重体验室内攀岩活动的团体.

Team Building
这个选项是考虑到我们的RA和学生组织而创建的,但对于任何认为他们会从沟通等可转移技能的学习中受益的团体来说,这是一个很好的选择, cooperation and problem solving. 这对RA或院系来说也是很好的,因为他们有兴趣在他们的团队中鼓励更多的社会互动,增加社区意识. During the reservation process, you'll have a chance to dial-in on what you would like to get out of the event. 我们将为您的团队提供量身定制的体验,并提供各种有趣的攀岩和非攀岩活动.

团队建设计划设计为2小时的计划,但可以根据您的要求调整以适应您的团队需求. 它旨在让所有参与者在开始时间到达,并在活动期间一起享受体验(而不是在一个窗口内随机出现并只停留一部分时间)。.

Technical Skills/ Merit Badge
Most of our staff are certified Climbing Wall Instructors. 这意味着他们不仅牢牢掌握了基本的攀岩技巧,而且在指导和评估这些技巧方面也达到了一定的熟练程度. 我们很乐意为您量身定制团队经验,在我们的专业水平内包括技术技能指导. This includes things like: knots for climbing, belaying, anchor building, sport leading, and rappelling. 完美的侦察兵或任何人希望把他们的攀登知识到更高的水平. Additional fees &/or time may be required, depending on the desired skills.

Important Details
No experience is necessary. 攀岩中心将根据团体人数提供租用设备和2至4名工作人员. 30人以上的团体应考虑超过2小时的时段,因为我们的攀登场地容量有限.

General Availability for Reservations
必须使用以上链接的表格至少提前2周预订. Private events are only available during times that don't conflict with our open climb hours or previously scheduled programming 和团体活动,但一般来说,下面的日期和时间是最适合我们的时间表. 

  • Weekdays between 10pm - midnight
  • Wednesday afternoons
  • Saturdays
  • Sunday morning through early evening

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the Climbing Center available for private events?
Any time we are not regularly open or have previously scheduled events. 一般来说,大多数可用性是在工作日的早上、周六的早上/晚上和周日. Feel free to contact us to check availability of specific dates/ times.

What is included?
Our standard reservation includes rental equipment, experienced staff to handle the ropes, and a block of time at the wall.

  • General Public reservations include up to a 2 hour block of time.
  • GVSU groups (student org's, academic classes, etc.)可以灵活地选择最适合他们典型会议/实践的持续时间. 

How much does it cost?
Rates will vary based on the group's affiliation with the University.  

  • General Public (off-campus) rates start at $9 per participant (+ tax, (如适用),最低收费为10名参加者,通常在活动前以押金的形式收取.
  • GVSU groups pay a per Climbing Center staff, per hour rate. Starting Fall 2022, the first staff is FREE. 如果你的团队规模较小,而且你的团队有足够多的参与者愿意接受保护训练(打结),这是一个很好的选择 & handling the ropes) during our open climb hours, prior to the event, and are willing to help facilitate group climbing. We're happy to discuss options for keeping the event within your budget!

Is food allowed in the Climbing Center?
Yes, but with limitations. Snack type items are fine as are the basic pizza, pop, cake & ice cream. 较大的餐饮风格的食物需要1)使用我们的校园餐饮或2)由我们的餐饮部门批准的签署的食品豁免.

There are a number of vending options in the building for snacks/ drinks. Food may only be consumed while in the seating area. 如果您想为您的活动要求校内或校外餐饮,请告诉我们.

Are there chairs and tables available?
攀岩中心的自然设置包括14人的座位和两张5英尺x 5英尺的方桌. 额外的折叠桌椅可在预订过程中提前通知,不收取额外费用.

How do I reserve the wall?
请使用页面顶部提供的链接至少提前2周预订. 一旦收到,我们将检查可用性并尽快与您跟进.

How does parking work?
Parking permits are required Mon. - Thu. 3am - 6:30pm and Fridays 3am - 5pm. 如果你的团体活动在这些时间内,可以免费申请停车许可证. 我们只需要知道大约有多少辆车会开到校园. 这些许可证通常允许在我们大楼附近的任何学生空间停车(地块C) & F). Once approved, 该组织的协调人将收到一份PDF格式的许可证,该许可证可以复制,必须放在每辆车的仪表盘上. Parking permits may not be requested for GVSU faculty, staff or student use.

Page last modified July 1, 2024